2015 A Bookish Year In Review

January 5, 2016 | , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Here’s my 2015 Bookish Year In Review. Want to sign up for the 2016 challenge on Goodreads or learn more about the books I read in 2015…you can check it out HERE. One of my favorite part of this years reads is that the lion’s share were books by my peers. Represented were some of my closest writing buds, The YA Story Sisters, The Class of 2k12, The Apocalypsies and Michelle Wolfson’s Wolf Pack!!!! 

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  1. Linda Grimes says:

    Wow, that’s a lot of books! As usual, I didn’t read nearly as much as I would have liked. Either I’m a really slow reader, or I need way more sleep than everyone else. *grin*