Celebrating with a Contest–Win a Pre-order of TOUCHING THE SURFACE

April 11, 2012 | , , , , ,

I just found out yesterday that TOUCHING THE SURFACE is now available for pre-order at Barnes & Noble and I’m crazy excited!!!! I thought that I’d celebrate by giving one lucky winner a pre-order of the book. I know–you won’t get your prize until October 30th, but I will send ahead some SURFACE swag along with your preorder confirmation.

What do you have to do to win?

1. Please check out my the book on Barnes & Nobel and click on the section that says… Nook Books: Want to read this on your NOOK? Request as NOOK Book from the publisher. And while you’re there feel free to hit any LIKE buttons that you come across.

2. Second, leave a comment telling me what has captured your attention about TOUCHING THE SURFACE. Is it the cover? Synopsis? Is it because we know each other? There’s no wrong answer–I’m just curious to know what has drawn you to the book.

*Please make sure that you leave a contact email address in your comment so I can get in touch with you if you are a winner.

And how about a bonus? Stop by my Amazon page and hit the LIKE button and I’ll throw in a couple extra swag bag winners too!!!! Or if you have a Kindle and would like an ebook you can exercise your finger here.

Want to find out what people are saying about TOUCHING THE SURFACE? I have one of my very first early reviews…Check it out!


  1. Laurie T (ReaderGirls) says:

    Hi Kim! To quote J. Lo, I got “goosies” seeing your book on the two big online sites. Exciting! The blurb grabbed me from the first line and that cover just remains in my head. It is so gorgeous. Congrats again!!!


  2. Hannah says:

    Pre-order love!! I just pre-ordered on Amazon UK, although I am quite sad to see that the date of release is now October instead of September – or am I just going crazy? 😛 Early birthday present to myself, check XD

    I don’t know if this contest is international, but I don’t mind spreading the love anyway! I can’t remember what caught my interest about this book – I think “When Elliott dies for the third time, she knows this is her last shot.” If that doesn’t draw you in straight away, then that beautiful cover must!

    thegirlinacafe@gmail.com (just in cases 😀 )

  3. Kim says:

    Thank you!!! Hmmm I can’t go international with this one because it’s a B & N pre-orer, but I’ll have to do one from the Book Depository soon. Perhaps some swag….keep your fingers crossed!

    And yes, it’s October 30th now. Everyone in my neighborhood is getting swag for Halloween LOL!

  4. Gabi says:

    I think I probably saw the cover first on goodreads or some blog, and it caught my eye as something I might like to read. I came here to check out your site. I’ve loved reading your posts and that’s the main reason I want to read Touching the Surface, becuase I feel like I’ve come to know you a bit through your blog, and I want to support you, so I want to read your book. : ]

    • Kim says:

      Gabi–that is such a sweet answer. I really appreciate the time you take to read the blog and all of your support. An author just can’t be a success without amazing readers. ((((hugs))))

  5. Ashley @ Ashley Loves Books says:

    Truthfully it was the cover, but that’s because I saw it before I read the synopsis – I’m sure had it been reversed, it would have been reversed! I adore the cover, it’s an eye-catching one that somehow manages to be intriguing, a bit creepy and a bit whimsical all at once. And at first I thought they were birds, but when I looked at a larger version I saw they were paper cranes – so interesting! I have to know how that relates to the story!

    Requested on BN and hit ‘like’ on Amazon!

    journalistrallos [at] gmail [dot] com

    • Kim says:

      Thanks so much for taking the time to do that Ashley–the cover resonates with me. I can’t imagine it being any more perfect. I am so glad that you love it. Jessica at Simon Pulse is AMAZING and I’m so grateful that she had my baby in her hands!

  6. Lisa Marie says:

    The cover definitely grabbed my attention, but when I read about it, it just drove the stake home. That’s fancy for: THIS BOOK SOUNDS AWESOME!

    • Kim says:

      My editor wrote that fantastic synopsis and I’m sending her air kisses everyday. It makes me want to read the book again LOL! The best part about the cover is that it so perfectly captures the book. (yeah, I’m a tease. )

  7. Breila says:

    I love that synopsis, I certainly want to read this book now!

  8. G. Donald Cribbs says:

    Hi, Kim! What first motivated me to check out TOUCHING THE SURFACE (and ultimately add it to my GoodReads TBR pile nearly 6 months ago) was a suggestion by your amazing agent, Michelle Wolfson. Who needs a reason more that that, I ask you? Second, I read your blurb and then died a few times when I saw your gorgeous cover.

    I love the concept for the story and I must say I’m terribly intrigued by the story premise. Also, I always support authors and books I love by posting reviews everywhere and liking and retweeting. Not that I’d stoop to bribing *hint, hint* but, I would resurrect myself from dying if I won a copy just so I could read this book.

    *pick me* 😀 😀 😀

    Thank you for the chance to win. You rock! |m| |m| *fistbumps*

  9. Breila says:

    Requested & liked!


  10. Monica B. W. (@Monica_BW) says:

    Well, BEFORE reading Surface, what I liked about it was the author! <333
    LIKED! btw. <3

  11. Jeni Bell says:

    I am anxious to read your book because I’ve followed your writing journey for a little over three years now, through Twitter and your blog, and have been captivated by your stories behind becoming an author and what led you to write this book. I will definitely order a copy, whether it’s the print version or Kindle (would prefer print, though–then I could have you sign it someday!). 🙂 The only thing I wish I knew a little more about is the plot of the book; would love to read an excerpt.

    • Kim says:

      You made my day the time you told me that you’d been following my blog for so long. There were many days where I wondered if anyone was reading. I tell that to people all the time…you never know. I would be honored to sign a book for you my friend and I’ll be finding out more about publicity and marketing soon, so maybe there will be a sneak peek in your future. <3

  12. Katie L. Carroll says:

    You’re awesome and because Touching the Surface has been in my head ever since I read the beginning of it way back when we first met as roomies at the Poconos. I hope someone else wins the pre-order because I plan pre-ordering it myself anyway!

    See you soon!

  13. Book Sp(l)ot Reviews / Lucile says:

    I requested in on B&N and linked it on Amazon (would have requested it there, too but it’s already available for Kindle!).

    I love, love the synopsis . . . I’m all for the afterlife and reincarnation books but it was something about that ‘third time’ that just drew me in. And I do have to admit that the cover just grabbed me (and got me to read the synopsis in the first place).

    And your interview for my Spring Break event is going up in about five minutes 🙂