It’s a Baby Book Blogger–Nikki Wang of the FICTION FREAK

May 7, 2012 | ,

Just like my Freaky Friday Interviews of aspiring authors, I’ve discovered that there’s a whole world of YA bloggers just starting out. I thought it would be fun to highlight some of these newbie bloggers because-lets face it-bloggers are freaky book lovers too and we should all work together in our quest to take over the world one YA book at a time.

Today’s baby book blogger is Nikki Wang of the FICTION FREAK. Nikki and I met online and I think you’re going to love her…so lets get to this interview!

Could you tell me a little about you and how you came to be a blogger?

A little about me…well, I absolutely love reading, obviously, and my obsession with books got me into a lot of trouble both in, and out of, school.
Honestly, I became a blogger because it was midnight and I was dead bored. I always loved reading reviews and decided to see if I could write one. So I made a blog! I hadnt thought at all where it would lead. I just knew that I liked reading and loved recommending books! To think I have over 100 followers is mind-blowing!

Yay for you!!! I burnt out a lot of flashlights reading under the covers as a kid. I’m still doing it LOL! Who has had an influence on you in the blogging community. What have they taught you? Who do you look up to?

Most of the blogs I follow definitely helped. They would post tips or they would just write a few awesome reviews! The Story Siren, All Things Urban Fantasy, and Fiktshun are a few. They taught me to never give up, and to keep posting even when no one would even glance at my posts! A few other bloggers gave me tips on how to promote my blog and get ARCs too! I’m thankful to all of them. I also look up to Alexandra Adornetto and because she published her books at 16!  I write a little on the side, so she’s definitely one of my role models.

There is so much great blog info out there–shared by amazing book bloggers. I’m constantly reading it and trying to improve myself. What advice would you give new book bloggers? Is there any big mistakes you’ve made that they should avoid?

Never give up, eventually someone will stumble across your blog and tell others! Post daily, if people know you’re persistent,  they’ll keep checking back for sure. One more thing: always make a few blogger friends. I’ve found that they’re some of the best friends you can ask for! The biggest mistake was abandoning my blog. I did give up, I’m afraid. Thankfully I picked it back up and started again!

I can sympathize–there were days I just wasn’t sure anyone was reading what I was posting. So glad you’ve stuck with it!!! What do you want to see from  author/blogger relationships and interactions, considering they are always growing and changing?

I’d love to see bloggers and authors have more understanding. I’ve heard of bloggers writing reviews full of hatred for a book just because the book wasn’t for their taste. Authors try hard to please readers and getting shot down is just horrible. On the other hand some authors demand reviews to be taken down even if a review was more neutral than negative. You can’t please everyone. People do have different opinions, after all. But I do know that most bloggers and authors are creating more friendships than loathing, and that’s wonderful!

I can’t agree enough. Bloggers and authors are amazing people, but I believe that when we work together we’re unstoppable. Your top 5 most loved books that have had an impact on you and why?

In no particular order–
1. Iron Fey Series- this series was actually one of the first books that made me like reading! I never read much but this series changed my view. Not to mentiion it introduced me to fey which are my absolute favorite creatures now.
2. Where it Began- Where it Began made me realized that not all lives were picture perfect no matter how much people wanted you to think so. People crave what they think is best, and that desire clouds our judgement. This was only a few months ago!
3. Divergent- Divergent showed me how our choices affect everything; how we act is our own decision, and differences are what makes us us. This too, was one of the first dystopian books I’ve read. It was definitely a great start to my dystopian reading.
4. Before I Fall- This was THE book for me. Some people are all looks no substance, but that doesn’t mean they can’t change. Second chances are hard to come by, take it when you can and make your own choices. So many Zen lessons in this book! I adored it!
5. Percy Jackson series- Lightning Thief was the first book I bought and got me addicted to mythology, whether it was Norse, Greek, or Urban. That addiction led me to finding so many other great books!
Some of my favorites and some to put on my TBR list. Thank you so much for stopping by and sharing your experiences. I really enjoyed chatting with you. You can find out more about Nikki Wang aka the FICTION FREAK here…

Nikki’s blog






  1. LindaG. says:

    Great interview! Nikki, I love this quote at the top of your blog:

    “Books say: She did this because. Life says: She did this. Books are where things are explained to you; life is where things aren’t. I’m not surprised some people prefer books.” – Julian Barnes

    So true! Best of luck with your own writing. 🙂

    • Nikki Wang says:

      Ahaha, thanks! For both things. I love that quote, too! And it may just be part of the reason I love reading so much!

      And thanks for posting this interview, Kimberly! I really appreciate it. 🙂

      • Kim says:

        I loved having you–and yes, that quote is awesome!!!!

        • Nikki says:

          @Kimberly 😀

          @Tiffany Thanks too! And heads up: I have a giveaway going so don’t forget to enter that as well. 🙂

      • Tiffany Schmidt says:

        What a fabulous quote, Nikki! I’ve never seen that one before.

        I loved your interview and will have to check out your blog.

        This is such a fun feature, Kimberly, I can’t wait to see other “baby bloggers” 🙂

  2. Sarah @ Smitten over Books says:

    Great interview! I’m so glad to see that Percy Jackson series made it on your fave book list. Checking out your blog now and hoping you all the best! 🙂