It’s Labor Day or As I Like to Call It–New Year’s Eve

September 3, 2012 | , ,

I won’t lie. In my twisted little brain I think of Labor Day as New Year’s Eve. In my little world, back-to-school means the start of the new year. I’ve felt this way since I was a kid and I’ve never managed to shake it. That may have something to do with having moved from being a student, to a teacher and then a mother. But whatever the reason, I’m ready to start fresh and get to work. I’m ready for jeans and a sweater, soup, crunchy leaves and fuzzy blankets. I’m ready to have a little structure in my schedule. Of course, I’m not ready to get up early and pack lunches, but life is never perfect. There is an upside and a down to every season of life. The reality is that I’m always laboring but the how changes like the weather–and I kind of like it like that.

But since it really is Labor Day, I don’t want to let that moment pass me by either. I never like to forget how lucky I am. No matter how hard my job feels some days, it’s always good to remember those who have paved the way. Those have truly labored to give me what I have today. Thank you…

History of Labor Day

I know that most of you are out there having picnics and soaking up the last of the summer, but if you happened to find your way to my little old blog today, feel free to share the worst job you’ve ever held. I’ve got a few fun ones I can share with you.

Ready…set…back to school!!!!! Bwwaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Linda G. says:

    Ah, I remember those back-to-school days. Alas, my kiddos are all through with school. But that has its perks, too–no more getting up early to make the school lunches, for one. 😉

  2. Joanne Fritz says:

    Happy Labor Day, Kim! Well, I could say that the worst job I ever held was the one I’m in right now, because, um, I’m WORKING while you’re all having picnics, etc. (It’s a little too soggy here for picnics, but at least most people seem to have a day off on Labor Day.) Yes, that’s retail. We work so you can go shopping on your day off! And there’s none of that “time and a half” stuff here. Not in this job! So yeah, I’m looking forward to September 14th, which will be my last day at this bookstore. I’ll still have the blog, of course.

    In the meantime, I’d like to suggest to your readers: if you go shopping today or out to eat, thank the person who is cheerfully serving you and remember that they don’t get holidays off. Nor do those who work in hospitals, the police force or firefighters.