Lets Talk Sticky Notes and Office Space

September 10, 2012 |

So, you’ve convinced me that the odds are small that I’ll turn into the Crazy Cat Lady (thank you–I needed that) but I can assure you that I am well on my way to being the Crazy Sticky Note Lady. The upside of this is that there are no sticky litter boxes to clean. See, I’m back to my optimistic ways again. *grin*

So, I’m not the most organized gal on the planet and sticky notes are my friends. I’ve even stuck them to myself–don’t ask. This method of mental place holding has traditionally worked pretty well for me unless the fan is on too high. But with the book launch getting closer, I may have a few more stickies than I can handle.  In fact, it might be getting a little bit out of control. Okay…maybe it’s not this bad…



…but it feels like this isn’t too far from the truth. Swag deliveries, blog posts, requested interviews and furniture orders are just some of my little yellow friends. And don’t forget about that really late anniversary card reminder for my sister-in-law. Yup, I’m at the point where I really feel like I should have better systems in place for organizing my stuff, but I also feel like I’m too far into the sticky note method.  With the launch so close, it would be just as much work to change directions now. Are you wondering why I’m telling you all this? LOL! It’s to let you know that if I owe you something–like swag or an interview–feel free to send me a status query because your sticky note may have been the one blown off by the fan. The good news is that I promise to learn from my debut experiences and be much better with my next book. You on the other hand should learn from me and get your act together long BEFORE your book comes out. I promise a more detailed blog post on this in the future.

But wait–there is hope. I am making some organizational progress and I think you’ll be proud of me. Seriously!  I’m getting a big girl desk!!!! It will have drawers. *sighs with pleasure* That has got to help me with my clutter issues, right? Let me show you how I’m doing…


This was the day I signed my book contract for TOUCHING THE SURFACE. *heart squish* I’ve been writing on a couple of folding tables and sitting in a chair from my mom and dad’s old kitchen table. I’ve got bins and piles EVERYWHERE!!!!

The office was extra loaded with junk from the other rooms we’ve been fixing up. So, not only did I have to empty out the regular clutter, but also the stuff I piled in from the other room too. *head thunk*

This is the middle son’s newly finished bedroom that is the temporary office. He can’t wait to kick us out and get in here.

Gahhh! Making progress but still so much stuff to move and throw out. Isn’t this making you feel better about your own office?


In case you were wondering about my crazy walls… The previous owner of the house wall papered with real New Yorker covers about 30 years ago. As cool as they once were–they were no longer holding up to the test of time. I took our favorite and framed it for the house. Then I pulled off as many as I could and gave them to a friend who knows the old owners.

Making progress. Lots of repairs to the plaster walls. And in case you’re wondering–no I’m not doing the work. I get stressed out enough preparing to have the work done LOL! You seriously don’t want to see my lose my mind.

Not done yet, but a sneak peak at the walls. I’m loving the Tuscan Terra Cotta color. Can’t wait for the crown molding to go in.

More to come when it’s all done. I’m so excited to have a new work space–with a nice big wall for all my sticky notes. Just kidding–sort of. Do you have an office? Where do you work or write? What would your dream office look like? What do you hate about your work space now? What color would you pick for your walls?  Are you a hoarder on the verge or did I blind you when you saw my mess? Inquiring minds want to know.


  1. Linda G. says:

    Gaaah! This reminds me of all the work I still have to do in my office (which used to be my daughter’s bedroom). Starting with ripping out the old carpet, putting down new flooring, and steaming off the old wallpaper (alas, installed in the days before the handy-dandy “strip-able” kind), followed by installing new crown molding and painting. Someday, when I have time… *sigh*

    But you’re doing great! You shall henceforward be my office inspiration. 🙂

    • Kim says:

      I had three layers of old wallpaper on plaster and my buddy doing the work took it all off with a 50-50 mix of vinegar and hot water. Worked crazy good. Make sure you take pics when you’re working on it–we want to see!!!!

  2. S. J. Pajonas says:

    Oooh! I love seeing your office come together! I wish I had my own space. There’s a desk in the corner of the play area that I try to make mine every now and again, and will eventually claim it, but right now, I’m commenting from the dining room table. If I’m not here, I’m on the couch or at Panera. An office would definitely be nice… someday.

    • Kim says:

      I like to hit panera and a local coffee shop too. Get out of the house a few days a week. I’m also known to sit on my bed when my hamstrings are killing me and my couch rocks too LOL! Whatever gets the job done. I’m the most excited about getting a little bit of organization for my stuff.

  3. Brandy M. says:

    Oh I know the way of the sticky note 🙂 I’m a Med-Aide for an Assisted Living Facility and I leave a bunch of stickies in the medroom to remind myself of things not to mention I write on myself and in a little notebook I carry. Hey I take care of the meds for 60+ people so I can get a little scatter brained lol I hope you enjoy your new desk and can find this thing called organized cause I have yet to find it. I think it might be an urban myth 🙂

  4. Aurelia Blue says:

    It’s lovely! Myself, I write at the table my great grandfather made by hand. I moved into the playroom for the summer because there was A/C (nearer BabyBoy was probably a good thing too, lol) using a card table and ruined all my writing juju. Just a thought, but maybe you should have a nice corner for that chair from Mom and Dad’s kitchy. You know, just in case “organized” isn’t all it’s cracked up to be? 😉 But nice work! Keep it up!

  5. Kimberley Griffiths Little says:

    This is going to be beautiful, Kim! Yay for you!!!

  6. Emberchyld says:

    I love sticky notes! Did you know that Post-it super sticky notes can make it through three autoclave cycles and still stick? (Don’t ask how I know. It was a major facepalm moment. But at least they were sterile)

    And your office is looking great! You’ll have to share an inaugural desk shot with us when it’s ready 🙂

  7. Aurelia Blue says:

    Really, through the autoclave? Wow. Never knew that. And I used to really enjoy autoclaving… good to know.