A Virus, Going Viral and The Tipping Point–Team Tipping The Surface

October 15, 2012 | , , ,

The spread of a virus and the idea of something “going viral” are two very different things. But it’s obvious, from the theft of the language, that a virus can be very adept at quickly making it’s way through the population. Let’s take a look…

I’m going to give you a little excerpt on the spread of Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever straight from the CDC Special Pathogens Branch Website


“After the first case-patient in an outbreak setting is infected, the virus can be transmitted in several ways. People can be exposed to Ebola virus from direct contact with the blood and/or secretions of an infected person. Thus, the virus is often spread through families and friends because they come in close contact with such secretions when caring for infected persons. People can also be exposed to Ebola virus through contact with objects, such as needles, that have been contaminated with infected secretions. Nosocomial transmission refers to the spread of a disease within a health-care setting, such as a clinic or hospital. It occurs frequently during Ebola HF outbreaks.”


 Now let’s look at what happens when something, perhaps a book, goes viral…

“After the first reader in an book launch setting is hooked, the novel can be shared in several ways. People can be exposed to good fiction from direct contact with blogger interviews, book reviews and/or word-of-mouth recommendations. Thus, the novel is often spread through families and friends because they come in close contact with such enthusiasm when interacting with fans. People can also be exposed to the novel through contact with objects, such as bookmarks, stickers, wrist bands, T-shirts and adorable paper cranes, that have been passed along with squeals of delight. Literary transmission refers to the spread of fiction within a  setting, such as a book store or a library. It occurs frequently during book launch events.”

Are you seeing the writing on the walls? I am. I’m going to be blatantly honest with you. I have invested a huge chunk of my heart and soul into this book and I would love to see it do really well, but I also believe in the idea that we should shoot for the stars. There are enough people in the world who want to clip the wings of those around them–I don’t need to help the people who want to ground me. I’m a believer in the power of words let loose on the universe. I am convinced that there is a difference between saying I want to have my novel published AND I will have my novel published. When you say the word WANT you put need out into the world. When you say WILL you put out intent. I know it sounds a little hokey, but most people didn’t think I would sell a book to start with, so I’m going to stick with what has worked for me. So here we go universe–I’m saying it out loud…

 My novel, TOUCHING THE SURFACE will go viral!


Now, make no mistakes. When you make a declaration–it doesn’t stand on it’s own. Just saying that I would be published one day didn’t make it happen. There was a lot of work and help from others that went into making that dream a reality. I’ve already been working hard to market and get the word out about TOUCHING THE SURFACE and I am so lucky that I have so many amazing family members and friends who are going above and beyond to support me. I am already overwhelmed by the out-pouring of support. It strengthens my belief that we are all interconnected and when we work together, we are bigger than the sum of our parts.

But of course, my mind is always working. As I’ve been mulling over viruses and books going viral, I remembered a book I read awhile back called THE TIPPING POINT by Malcolm Gladwell. I just looked it up and started laughing because it obviously had a big impact on how I think–I love the subconscious…

New Yorker writer Malcolm Gladwell looks at why major changes in our society so often happen suddenly and unexpectedly. Ideas, behavior, messages, and products, he argues, often spread like outbreaks of infectious disease.Just as a single sick person can start an epidemic of the flu, so too can a few fare-beaters and graffiti artists fuel a subway crime wave, or a satisfied customer fill the empty tables of a new restaurant. These are social epidemics, and the moment when they take off, when they reach their critical mass, is the Tipping Point.

Gladwell introduces us to the particular personality types who are natural pollinators of new ideas and trends, the people who create the phenomenon of word of mouth. He analyzes fashion trends, smoking, children’s television, direct mail, and the early days of the American Revolution for clues about making ideas infectious, and visits a religious commune, a successful high-tech company, and one of the world’s greatest salesmen to show how to start and sustain social epidemics.

I think I need to reread this immediately! Here are some awesome quotes from the book…

 “There are exceptional people out there who are capable of starting epidemics. All you have to do is find them.”

“The tipping point is that magic moment when an idea, trend, or social behavior crosses a threshold, tips, and spreads like wildfire.”

“Emotion is contagious.”

“If you want to bring a fundamental change in people’s belief and behavior…you need to create a community around them, where those new beliefs can be practiced and expressed and nurtured.”

“That is the paradox of the epidemic: that in order to create one contagious movement, you often have to create many small movements first.”


― Malcolm Gladwell, The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference


I would like you to help me reach the “tipping point.” My goal is to have hot spots burning brightly all over the country. Nope that’s thinking too small in today’s global economy. I want hot spots all over the world, helping TOUCHING THE SURFACE to ignite! That’s why I’m going to be starting TEAM TIPPING THE SURFACE! Anything that you can do to help will be appreciated. If you can tell a friend about the book, give it as a gift or request it at your library or bookstore–I would be forever grateful. Every little bit of support matters. It is word of mouth, above all else that gets the ball rolling. But–if you’d like to take your help one step further–I’d love to have some folks who would like to make a deliberate effort to help TOUCHING THE SURFACE go viral.

If you are interested, I will send you a TOUCHING THE SURFACE T-shirt and a hazmat helmet’s worth of promotional materials. There will be stuff for your local and school libraries and stuff for your local book sellers. I’ll also have plenty of individual swag for your friends and family and the random strangers you think might like the book. 😮 For every person you enlist to become a New Hot Spot for TEAM TIPPING THE SURFACE–you’ll have an entry into a drawing for some great prizes–like an annotated copy of TOUCHING THE SURFACE or an silver origami crane necklace. The more people that participate, the more cool things will be added to the pot.

*In order to create a new Hot Spot–your recruit will have to be in a brand new location. You’ll have my email–we’ll talk! I’m having visions of a map with Hot Spot stickers for my office!

Want to participate? Here’s what you have to do! If you would like to start a Hot Spot in your area for TEAM TIPPING THE SURFACE, please send me you full name, email address and your mailing address HERE!!!  I’m looking forward to hearing from you. If you don’t think you’re up for being a Hot Spot–I completely understand, but I would really appreciate it if you’d share this information with anyone you think might be interested.

So what should we talk about today? Worst virus or illness you’ve ever had? Gahhhh I had Scarlet Fever once!!! Lots of books have gone viral–what’s your favorite? I’ve got to say Harry Potter! Best movie involving hazmat suits? Hmmmm Have you read THE TIPPING POINT by Malcomb Galdwell? Will you now? I’m interested to hear what you’ve got!

P.S. 14 Days until TOUCHING THE SURFACE launches!!! All the information on book launch events and purchasing signed copies can be found HERE!



  1. Aurelia Blue says:

    I’m a little introvert, short an stout, @me2uluvRalyBlu is my handle and retweets are my spout, if you tip me over, I’ll fall out… ’cause I’m really shy and don’t go out and about… lol. But I will order my copy to be signed as soon as I get paid this week (finally, book money!!!). And I will tweet my heart out about this!! Good luck!!!!!!! And if you send me an ARC, I will read and blog as well as tell everybody I know. I’m a good bragger, just not a good hot spot maker… sorry.

    This is a very cool idea, btw. I am also a fan of putting “Will” out into the Universe. And releasing all those would-be-grounding-wing clippers to it with love! You rock! Soar high! <3

  2. Kim says:

    Will is a powerful word!!! Boo–no ARCs–they kept those in the vault LOL! (((hugs)))

  3. Aurelia Blue says:

    ……. ahhhhhh yes…. the secret vault… of AWESOMENESS!
    I’m on my way out to my writer’s club at the library. I will ask if they would be receptive to being a hotspot. Also will see if my sis is allowed to turn our school library into a hotspot. The rules here are different… It’s kind of a backward community with regard to libraries. Public Libraries aren’t free. You have to live in the township they are located in or you have to pay for memberships. Like $80-100 for a single membership. They aren’t always receptive to you and your ideas if you aren’t a member. I don’t live in the township, soo… Our schools have strange rules too. EVERYTHING has to go through a central committee set by the school board. Obviously, it can be a lengthy process. But, I WILL ask. 🙂

  4. Linda says:

    Kim, I have no doubt that Touching the Surface will go viral, & you know I’ll do whatever I can to help spread the TTS Epidemic!

    I’m counting down the days with you – 2 weeks to go now! Woohoo!

  5. Linda says:

    OMG Kim!!! Just got in to work & imagine my surprise & excitement to see that Touching the Surface is out today & is on our new release table!!

    Congratulations on early arrival of your book baby!!

    Happy Book Birthday to Touching the Surface & may it find its way into the hands & hearts of many many many readers worldwide!!

    You did it!! <3

  6. roxanne werner says:

    Hiya Poppins,

    Woot! Can’t wait to check it out in my bookstore. Kimmy do you need someone in Kentucky? I’ll help anyway that I can. Just tell me what to do.

    Rox aka rainchains