The Opposite of Book Banning is PROMOTION!

October 3, 2012 | , , , , , ,

It’s Banned Books Week!

I usually get all sappy, talking about this topic, but today I’m going to keep it light. You didn’t know I had it in me, did you? LOL!

What is the opposite of banning a book?  PROMOTION!!!! Every time you spread the word about a book you love, you help to marginalize the impact of narrow minds. It gives me tingles just thinking about it. So, this week I’m encouraging you to spread the word about books you love–particularly those that are banned. *rifles through drawer to find banned books bracelet*

And because it’s October and TOUCHING THE SURFACE launches in 26 days!!! *jaw drops* I’m running a little contest that will help me with my own promotion. I just ordered TOUCHING THE SURFACE T-shirts and they should be here in about 2 weeks. I’m giving one away on Facebook and one here on the blog. If you pre-order a copy of TOUCHING THE SURFACE between now and the time the T-shirts arrive, you’ll be eligible to win one. Here’s what they are going to look like…

All you have to do to be entered is let me know the date you pre-order SURFACE and also let me know what your favorite banned book is. Feel free to write it in caps so I know you’re shouting it to the world. <3  Additionally, if you share this blog post–leave me the link and you’ll get an extra entry.

To make it easy on you–here’s some awesome places you can pre-order…

*Amazon–Hardcover or Kindle 

*Barnes & Noble–Hardcover or NOOK


And for a SIGNED COPY…

*Oblong Books & Music

You can also find out more about Banned Books Week (September 30th-October 6th) HERE. I have soooo many beloved banned books but the first one I’ll shout out is…TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD by Harper Lee!!!!


  1. S. J. Pajonas says:

    I just preordered my copy on Amazon!! And you know I’ll be at Oblong to get my signed copy too. I don’t have a favorite Banned Book because there are many that I love on the list like the Harry Potter books, but one in particular stands out to me, The Giver, which ironically, still gives and inspires radical ideas in YA lit today.

  2. Linda Hanlon says:

    I LOVE your t-shirt, Kim! Will they be available on your website? I definitely want to buy one! 🙂

    And I love your idea that the opposite of book banning is promotion – so true! I’m not eligible for your contest, since I pre-ordered a hardcover & e-book for my Nook way back in July, but I will play by saying that SO many of my favorite books are banned books – and right now, I’m re-reading “Bridge To Terabithia” & “Catcher in the Rye” to celebrate ALA’s Banned Books Week.

  3. Mere Joyce says:

    Ooh, I didn’t know it was Banned Books week in the US! (In Canada our Freedom to Read Week is in February…double the celebrating of banned books pleasure!) The last banned book (that I know of ) that I read was Lolita, so I’ll give a shout out to that!

    Not eligible for the contest (yet, =P) but the shirt looks great!

  4. Rebecca Hipworth says:

    Thanks for the great giveaway! 😀
    I pre-ordered TTS from Amazon on the 31st July.

    One of my favourite banned books is The Hunger Games.

    I shared the contest here:


  5. Nikki says:

    ERMMM…I tweeted you when I preordered it! Maybe what? 4-5 days ago? Somewhere between October 2 and October 5!

    And definitely HUNGER GAMES!!! 😀 😀 😀 Well not that it’s really a surprise…still!

  6. Angie says:

    Hey Kim,

    Just pre-ordered Touching the Surface and I can’t wait to help you celebrate! I think I’d have to choose Catcher in the Rye as my banned book of choice since the story stuck with me for a long time after reading it in high school.