Four times a year teamTEENauthor has a dare day, but today is also the kick-off to a massive scavenger hunt that ends on November 10th. The more people that enter, the more prizes are unlocked. All the details can be found HERE! But before you go take a walk down memory lane with me. I decided to participate in the Dare Day fun and do Dare #3–Post pictures and other links all about your celebrity teenage heart throb. I know that you never would have expected this since I look so young, right? But here he is…
Shaun Cassidy
And here was the first album I ever owned.
And just so you get the full effect…
The Da Doo Ron Ron was my favorite Shaun Cassidy song. I was seven when it came out. *squee!* And I used to watch him on the Hardy Boys ALL THE TIME!!!
Okay–I’m done. LOL! Don’t forget to stop over to the main teamTEENauthor Page to enter the scavenger hunt. There’s a copy of TOUCHING THE SURFACE available and lots of other great books and prizes. But before you Da Doo Ron Ron over–tell me who was your very first teen celebrity crush.
Linda G. says:
And my crush was Shaun’s older brother, David Cassidy. So you should feel young by comparison. 😉
On October 10, 2012 at 9:50 am
Kim says:
Like a spring chicken LOL!
On October 10, 2012 at 3:29 pm
K. M. Walton says:
Shaun Cassidy was the first love of my life. That was the first album I even owned too, thus confirming our concurring realities.
On October 10, 2012 at 3:11 pm
Kim says:
Bonding moment!
On October 10, 2012 at 3:29 pm
Jodi Moore says:
Oh wow…where do I start (fickle one that I am)…? Paul McCartney, Davy Jones, Jay Osmond (sorry, Donny)…BUT, my first crush (in 2nd grade) was Batman. 😉
On October 10, 2012 at 4:34 pm
Patty Blount says:
OMG, me too! I mean Shaun Cassidy was my first crush and I had this album. I was older than seven though 🙁
On October 10, 2012 at 5:19 pm
Laurie T (ReaderGirls) says:
Oh Kim! I LOVED Shaun Cassidy! That was also the first album I bought and concert I attended (had to see him on Long Island). Teen Beat, Tiger Beat, the magazines I HAD to buy so I could splatter my walls with this Hardy Boy. I was obsessed. LOL over here:)
On October 24, 2012 at 4:30 pm
Kim says:
We are singing on Sat!!!!
On October 24, 2012 at 6:12 pm
Jody Casella says:
I am embarrassed to say David Lee Roth from Van Halen. I waited all night in a snowstorm to get tickets for the 1984 tour. Sigh.
On March 13, 2013 at 10:21 am