Do You Have Any Grapeths? Or Maybe You Want to Publish My Novel?

November 16, 2012 | ,

This is a very popular song with my 7yo at the moment. The first time I heard him singing it I busted out laughing–this may have had something to do with the fact that he’s missing his two front teeth and he sort of sounds like this…

“Have you got and grapeths?”

 Sorry, we lost the second tooth eating a poppy bagel. LOL!

But as I’ve been listening (don’t judge me, it’s a catchy little diddy) I’ve realized that it does have some similarities to the publishing process. ROTFL! Let me know what you think.


  1. Hannah says:

    OMG I love this!!! As soon as you said ‘Hey, got any grapeths’ I knew what you were talking about. One of the best videos ever. We play it on a regular basis in my flat 😛 have you seen the second one? And now that you mention it, it is a bit like publishing! 😀

  2. Kim says:

    Ha! There’s a second???? Must go look!!!!!

  3. Aurelia Blue says:

    haha, hadn’t heard this, but is this maybe why my teenagers (and their father) keep telling me a joke about a duck walking into a bar asking for grapes and the bar owner is going to nail his feet to the floor…

    Yes, I think this accurately captures the process.

    Really it’s like a lot things we try to do in life…

  4. Aurelia Blue says:

    And how cute is that little smile!!! 😀

  5. Joanne Fritz says:

    I’ve never heard this song before, but it’s hilarious! And I love your son’s poppy seed grin.