It’s a busy week for me. All kinds of stuff going on AND I’ve got the SCBWI NY Conference this weekend! *squee* Kicking off the fun, I’m having lunch on Friday with my fabulous agent, Michelle Wolfson. In case you didn’t catch it from the title of this post–I love Michelle Wolfson!!!! I absolutely can’t wait!!!!
And you, dear reader, get bonus points if you leave a comment about your favorite Michelle tweets or #hashtags on Twitter. And if you’re not following her–you know what I’m going to suggest, right? Go!!! @WolfsonLiterary
Best comment gets a surprise prize!!!
Linda Grimes says:
Aw, you lucky duck! I love our agent too–she rocks! Have fun at lunch! 🙂
Oh, as for my favorite Michelle tweet…well, it would be impossible to narrow it down. They’re all pretty hilarious.
On January 30, 2013 at 9:05 am
Kim says:
So true!!!!!
On February 4, 2013 at 3:57 pm
A.N. Remtulla says:
Awwww, I love that photo. I am slightly disturbed by the person in the bright orange prison overalls behind her, but then things happen wherever Michelle goes. Her #siri posts are hilarious. “Siri settle the bus strike dammit.” LOL!
On January 30, 2013 at 11:18 am
Kim says:
LOL! Yes!!!! I love her cooking or NOT cooking for the kids tweets too.
On February 4, 2013 at 3:58 pm
Aurelia Blue says:
#Camplaining is now in my official lexicon of all things outdoorsy my family likes to suggest. It’s not that I don’t love the outdoors, it just that the fam expect me to create all the magic of food, planning, etc. #Camplaining makes and excellent brain category.
I love/hate when she tweets about candy. I always want THE CANDY. I’m so relieved someone else wants the candy too!!
My all time favorite tweet was about some other Michelle grabbing her coffee order as if she thought she was the only Michelle in the world, and it turning out the other’s order was waaaaay better. 😉
On February 4, 2013 at 3:03 pm
Kim says:
LOL! Yes—the candy ones aren’t fair. She’s the size of my little finger. *head thunk*
On February 4, 2013 at 3:59 pm