I Can’t Believe People Do That for Fun? Riding the Wave

May 15, 2013 | , , , , ,

This week, my agent Michelle Wolfson, accidentally went for a jog. LOL! Her littlest decided to scoot to school and Michelle had to run to keep up with her. This tweet followed…



I had to smile because I’m one of those nuts that *enjoys it* (Most of the time.) Like anything else, it can have it’s moments. *pant, gasp, fall over* But yeah, I do it voluntarily and usually with a smile on my face.

I’ve been running a lot since the weather’s gotten nice, but that’s not the only thing I’ve been doing. This week in particular, I’ve wanted to do nothing more than write. I’ve been hit by a tsunami of writingness. I love/hate when this happens. It’s great because I’m doing something I’m so into. Even if I’m not super productive by a word count standard (I am ME after all) I’m still making all kinds of break throughs and I AM getting new words, better words, on the page. And I don’t want to mess with the flow of the universe, because it’s smiling on me and raining creativity. But it’s bad because I don’t want to do any of the other important things in my life and honestly I’ve got tons, heaping tons on my to-do list. So how have I been handling it? Of course I’ve been writing–riding the wave. LOL!

You know my motto–BUY MORE CLEAN UNDERWEAR!!!!


But, being “in the zone” with my writing has gotten me thinking about Michelle’s examination about running. There are certain things in are lives that can be very challenging, but when we are riding their wave, they’re amazing. We are drawn to them like a thirsty desert dweller to an oasis. But the things that fulfill us are different for everyone. There are people out there that would rather do anything else than run and/or write. There are folks who would run a marathon before writing a sentence, of a tome before heading out around the block. There are also people who like to do crafts and cook for fun. Now those people are like a foreign species to me! You made cupcakes for fun? Hello! I EAT cupcakes for fun. And that helps explain why  I run. Full circle. ROTFL!

So, tell me. Do you get hit with writing tsunamis? What activity do you love that other people might like to poke their eyes out before doing? Does it pay to ride the wave when it come your way? Or is it really just avoidance of less fun things?


  1. Linda Grimes says:

    I read books about quantum theory for fun. No, really. I do. I find it strangely relaxing–and entertaining–to try to understand the universe’s weirdness on a subatomic scale. (Hey, it beats jogging! *grin*)

  2. Aurelia Blue says:

    Been hit with the writing tsunami, myself lately. That’s why I’m just now catching up on my K-Pops. I have 7 applications due at the end of the month, my son’s super 16 birthday party to plan, invite, throw at the end of next week, my mom’s retirement party to decorate and make favors for, a present to buy for a wedding on the same day, don’t know when I last did laundry, dishes or vacuming. I actually caught B3, who is now 1 1/2 neatly sweeping his far flung cheerios into a neat little pile and pushing it under the couch. “I helps you,” he said, very matter of factly. LOL.

    My favorite thing to do is hunt four-leaf clovers. I’m not happy until I have at least five in my hand. So these sessions can go on for quite a while. 😉