Part 2 of my SCBWI conference recap–let’s pick up where I left off. I’ve had a yummy lunch at the food court in Grand Central and I’ve dug into the chocolate stash in my bag. If you didn’t want to hang out with me before, you might once you know I bring enough for friends.
I also forgot to mention I did some live tweeting from the conference #NY14SCBWI. And my clown “shout out” even got tweeted. It DOES count for something. And here is my writer friend..Bee Bee the Clown <3
I made lots of new friends through tweeting and if you go back and search the #NY14SCBWI hashtag–you will find a wealth of information on sessions I didn’t attend and links to other bloggers recapping the conference.
Grrrr I took a picture at my next Breakout session. I know I did, because Sara Shandler (Senior Vice President, Editorial, Alloy Entertainment) wore the cutest outfit EVER! Guess you’re going to have to take my word for it LOL!
Breakout session #2 was Developing and Selling a Series
I picked this talk because it was an area in publishing that I don’t know a whole heck of a lot about. After hearing Sara talk I have a few excellent tidbits to share with you…
*Have a clear, one sentence pitch/concept. You have a very limited time to capture someone’s attention.
*Each book must have it’s own story arc.
*Know your ending.
-where is the story going?
-is it a closed arc or can it be extended?
*Avoid following trends, know what’s out there and be unique.
The next Keynote Speaker was Elizabeth Wein: Bearing Witness: Authorial Responsibility
AGAIN I’m missing an action shot, so here she is signing my copy of ROSE UNDER FIRE!!! I waffled for such a long time about whether to get Rose or CODE NAME VERITY. I finally decided to pick my favorite of the two, but it was soooooo close.
Things you should know…
*She’s a 20 year overnight success story.
*Everyone is at wildly different stages of the journey.
*We are responsible for putting ideas in people’s heads at the earliest of ages.
Next up was the Keynote Panel: Banning Books–Where Do We Stand?
JB – Joan Bertin (Executive Director, National Coalition against Censorship)
EH – Ellen Hopkins
SR – Susanna Reich (Chair, Children’s and Young Adult Book Committee, Pen American Center)
I’m going to have a ton for you from Ellen Hopkins. She is brave and amazing and I hung on her every word…
*You make children stronger by giving them the truth.
*Pull the books out from under the covers and read them WITH your kids.
*Do you think that Harper Lee didn’t write To Kill A Mockingbird for a reason?
*If a thirteen year old girl is sexually abused, shouldn’t she have the right to read a book about it?
*Write bravely–speak the truth.
*I have a responsibility to my readers–not the censors. Speak the truth.
Appropriately wearing my I READ BANNED BOOKS bracelet and reading To Kill A Mockingbird with the boys.
And Susanna Reich noted…
*72 of the top 100 most challenged books in the past years have been children’s books.
*Librarians are on the front line of censorship.
*Multicultural books can speak to all kids, not just children of color.
*To create something you have to face your own fears.
THAT is an amazing note to end the day on…if the day were ending. Up next was the Gala Dinner where you will ALWAYS find me hanging out by the MASHED POTATO BAR!!!!!
The picture is a little blurry, but can you blame me if my hands were trembling in excitement? A MASHED POTATO BAR people!!!! Unfortunately, just looking at that picture puts me back into carb overload. I think I need to lay down on my couch and take a nap…
That’s right–I forgot to tell you. I FINALLY GOT MY COUCH!!!
Oh, happy day.
I’ll be back on Tuesday with the last conference recap. But while you’re waiting for some closure (hopefully on your cozy couch) tell me what your favorite banned book is.
Cindi says:
I didn’t realize To Kill a Mockingbird was a banned book! It’s been taught in every 10th grade high school English class ever (year may vary based on the scool)–or so I thought. I’ve even taught it in a really conservative school.
I guess that’s my favorite. It’s such a good book!
On March 9, 2014 at 2:49 pm
Kim says:
Love that book too! Reading it with the boys and they are HOOKED! Then we want to watch the movie. <3
On March 9, 2014 at 4:54 pm
Emberchyld says:
I am so, so jealous you got to meet Elizabeth Wein. So jealous.
And your bracelet is awesome!
On March 11, 2014 at 6:54 am
Kim says:
I am in awe of her books.
On March 11, 2014 at 8:59 am